Then burn incense, put moon cakes and fruits as sacrifices on the table, face the moon, and pray for fortune. Therefore, people will put a table outside under the moon on the night. Worshiping the MoonĬhinese people believed the moon governed all vital changes, especially the harvest of grain. Nowadays, some Chinatown or Southeast Asian countries would hold lantern riddle contests on Mid-Autumn night. Guessing Lantern Riddlesīesides hanging up lanterns outsides, Chinese people usually write some interesting riddles on the lanterns and have other people try to guess the answers. The entire area is decorated with beautiful lighting. The lantern carnivals, and exhibitions will be hung in parks and other public places, during which lanterns of various colors, patterns, and styles are on display. Chinese people believe the higher the lanterns are hung, the luckier the family will be. Hanging up lanterns is called 竖中秋 (shù zhōng qiū) in Chinese.
The cakes, typically round, symbolizing the full moon, are presented as gifts to relatives and friends. The moon cake is a must-eat food! 4. The Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as the Mooncake Festival. After the family reunion dinner, people will go outdoors to admire the full moon on the night. The full moon is the symbol of a family reunion, reminding people of their hometowns and loved ones. People will share a fantastic meal together to enjoy this family reunion time. They are a collection of themed gardens requiring varying levels of upkeep. The Gardens at Lake Merritt were established more than a half century ago. This tradition is much like Thanksgiving in the United States. Attendees of the Autumn Glory Kick-Off Reception & Dinner on Wednesday, Octowill have the opportunity to commemorate the 55th Annual Autumn Glory. Autumn Lights Festival 2022 THANK YOU FOR MAKING OUR 11th ANNUAL EVENT A SUCCESS ARTISTS PERFORMERS EVENT TEAM FAQs The Autumn Lights Festival is a fundraiser for the Gardens at Lake Merritt. People will go back home and get together with their families. Reuniting with Familyįirstly, Mid-Autumn Festival is a big day for family’s reunion.