
Baby bjorn bouncer review
Baby bjorn bouncer review

baby bjorn bouncer review

Great price, compact, and soothes our baby.” “It is so cheap, and my baby loves to be in it - it keeps her happy while I get things done around the house.” Dozens of other reviewers also call this chair a “lifesaver,” including one parent who brought it on vacation and says that it “literally changed our lives! My son loves the vibration and he’s obsessed with the little monkey toy. “This thing is a lifesaver,” said another. “We spent hundreds on other bouncers and swings and she only likes this baby bouncer,” wrote one parent. Many reviewers bought this piece as an inexpensive second bouncer for travel or day care, only to be blown away by the quality. One of the best uses is that I can put her in it in the bathroom while I shower, so she can be close by and I don’t have to give up on my hygiene.

baby bjorn bouncer review

One woman said, “This has made life as a new mom so much easier! I take this wherever I go in the house, and my baby really seems to love it. This is the one place he will sit (other than mom’s or dad’s arms) after a feeding without fussing.” Reviewers were also impressed with the quality of this bouncer, and many found that their little ones enjoyed it enough to allow parents to take a few minutes for themselves. “You actually get four different head elevations because you can release the bar at the bottom and you can adjust the top of the seat as well … This is especially accommodating for my reflux-y baby who is almost 3 months old. The rocker itself is also easy to adjust, writes another satisfied customer. It was easy to put together, light, easy to transport, and easy to clean.” As a toddler rocker, it’s my toddler’s favorite chair to sit in while she watches her shows. We basically laid the biliblanket in the rocker in bassinet mode … Eventually, we transitioned to rocking mode as a rocker/bouncer that could contain the little one while grown-ups got things done. She had jaundice and we needed to expose her to UV radiation for several hours a day with a biliblanket (basically a blanket that emits UV light). “Product was bought at the birth of my first baby. “This review is given almost two years after purchase,” writes one parent. I can’t find a video anywhere of a baby using the maxi Cosi so I’m finding it hard to compare their movement.Reviewers often cite this product’s versatility, which allows the rocker to be used as their child grows up, from baby to toddler. My main question with that one is the type of movement - the ability of the baby to self propel the movement by kicking is important to me in whatever we buy and I’ve read comments saying people were disappointed in the movement of the maxi Cosi. The closest alternative I can find is the Maxi Cosi rocker. If it truly is the best product and there’s nothing very comparable, I can swallow the $250+ (can’t find it used) but of course would prefer not to. I know friends who’ve had the Baby Bjorn bouncer and liked it. Our place is tiny so I’d like it to have a small footprint and to fold down for easy storage. I’d like a seat that I can move around the house so that our baby boy (3 months) can be with me in the kitchen while I’m cooking or in the bathroom while I shower, for example, and I can chatter to him.

baby bjorn bouncer review

I’m hoping people might have input to help with this decision.

Baby bjorn bouncer review